Debby teaches Alaska Native/Native American Children’s Literature and Contemporary Inupiaq History at Ilisagvik College, Alaska's only tribal college.
Blog Appearances
Blogs and Websites to Watch
Center for Healthy Minds--my nephew Cortland Dahl's work--integrating science and Buddhism.
Why are you interviewing my Aapa: Filmmaking and empowerment—by my daughter Rachel
Alaskool---Paul Oontagook's site, the best place to learn about Alaska's Native peoples
Birchbark Books--Founded by National Book Award and Pulitzer prize-winning writer, Louise Erdrich
The winning quote from among these sites is from my daughter Rachel---which explains why I call Native American history, the hidden history and why it is essential that this history be taught as part of American history, and why its absence explains why the American educational system is failing Native American students (and perpetuating racism in other students):
".... if our young people didn’t know their own history, the history their parents and grandparents had helped build; if they didn’t know where they came from, how did we expect them to know where they were going?"
---Rachel Naninaaq Edwardson